A standing-room-only crowd of EMTs, Paramedics, Flight Nurses and other emergency medical personnel attended Matthew Kirby’s presentation entitled “Surviving the attack of a Litigator.” The presentation, which focused on improving communication skills, utilized a combination of lecture and skills practice. Based upon feedback, the presentation was enjoyed by those in attendance:
“Mr. Kirby did a phenomenal job of both educating and demonstrating tactics and skills for the medicolegal aspects of our job.”
“His talk was extremely interesting and applicable. I wish he could have spoken longer.”
“The Wing” is a non-profit air medical transport that provides inter-hospital transfers as well as emergency scene calls within a 250- mile radius of Memphis. The area includes West Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Alabama, and Kentucky. “Wing Fling” is an annual continuing education conference hosted by the Hospital Wing Air Ambulance Service.