Title: Harris Shelton Member John Ryder Honored in Memphis Business Journal’s 2021 Power 100


Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh is honored to announce that John Ryder has been named to the Memphis Business Journal’s 2021 Power 100 list. The honor is extended to the 100 most influential people in the Mid-South. 

A panel of experts, along with the Memphis Business Journal’s editorial team, identified the Power 100 recipients. Honorees are recognized for making a tangible impact on the business industry.

John Ryder’s esteemed career includes an extensive list of distinctions for his work concentrated in the areas of commercial litigation and election law. He has participated in some of the largest bankruptcy cases ever filed in the Western District of Tennessee. 

As an expert on election law, Ryder is currently the litigation counsel for the Shelby County Election Commission. He also shared his knowledge and experience with the next generation of lawyers as an Election Law Adjunct Professor at Vanderbilt University Law School from 2012-2018. In 2019, Ryder was called back to the public sector, being sworn in as a member of the Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Directors. Ryder’s impressive track record does not stop there. This past year, he was selected as the Memphis Business Journal’s 2020 Best of the Bar Lifetime Achievement Award Winner for his remarkable career. 

For more than two decades, John Ryder has been an invaluable member of Harris Shelton. Our firm extends our sincerest congratulations to John on this achievement, which recognizes his contributions to the business world and the community at large.